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Monday, March 17, 2014
I'm not sure the actual reasons I first began blogging.  More than likely to share my family stories and because it was the "IT" thing to do.  I kept it up for a few years then LIFE got busy.  At some point I stopped blogging.  I always had good intentions to keep going but many good intentions come to an end. 

Then just recently Sean (my husband, many should know) wanted to show a co-worker some Disney pictures.  Sean called asking how to find the blog (yes it has been that long that a search was required). Luckily I did have it saved as a favorite with my other favorite blogs.  Then it happened...I read EVERY post.  I smiled, I got teary eyed, I laughed and then I got sad.  I got sad because there weren't anymore to read after March 2012.  That was 2 years ago.  A lot has happened since then.

Then it HIT me...yes like a TON OF BRICKS.  I figured out why I had blogged (even though I never realized it at the time)...to document/preserve memories. 

Scrapbooking is my typical method of preserving memories (yes I am behind on that) but I quickly realized that I had memories preserved in my blog as well.  That's when I decided the blogging must continue!!!  There have been so many memories/moments that have passed that I did not blog about and have not scrapbooked.

As I said before (in my very first post) I am not a great writer.  I often have a difficult time expressing my feelings and putting them into words.  Sean will, I am sure, find errors after I have posted.  He is normally my editor but unless I pay him he won't be proof reading each of my post.

I used to have some followers.  Not sure who will read my posts, if anyone.  But that is OK.  My goal is to be able to preserve those precious moments in my life.

So here we go...let the journey begin!!!